National Programme for the Management of Radioactive Waste The National Programme for the Management of Radioactive Waste outlines the Austrian strategy for a responsible and safe disposal of radioactive waste.

The Directive 2011/70/Euratom „on establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste” obliges all member states to ensure safe and responsible disposal of their radioactive waste. Each state is therefore obliged to compile a National Programme that comprises the management of radioactive waste from its production to its final storage and ensures the protection of the public, the environment and future generations from ionising radiation. At the same time the Directive demands that all citizens receive access to all relevant information and that they are able to effectively take part in decisions regarding the disposal of radioactive waste.

A draft of the National Programme for the Management of Radioactive Waste was compiled on behalf of the Austrian government and subjected to the legally required strategic environmental review. On the one hand this process ensured that the Programme would not have a negative impact on the environment. On the other hand it also gave the public – including neighbouring countries – an opportunity to take part in drafting the document. All opinions and statements that were received were taken into account during the finalisation of the National Program for the Management of Radioactive Waste.

The National Programme for the Management of Radioactive Waste was resolved by the Austrian government’s Ministerial Council on 5 September 2018. For the implementation of the National Programme for the Management of Radioactive Waste the Austrian government established the Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Management. It compiles recommendations and develops a foundation for the decision-making process for the Austrian federal government regarding the final disposal of radioactive waste.

The National Waste Management Programme was adapted to the new legal situation in 2022 (Radiation Protection Act 2020). The National Programme for Management of Radioactive Waste, updated in 2023, includes innovations in research and development as well as funding, and has been supplemented with key performance indicators to monitor the progress of the programme. It was adopted by the Federal Government at the Council of Ministers on 6 September 2023.

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